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Serious Fraud Office

Serious Fraud Office uses artificial intelligence in the fight against crime

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UK fraud investigators turn to OpenText Axcelerate, an AI-driven eDiscovery solution, to expedite complex and data-intensive investigations

We’re presenting OpenText Axcelerate to investigators to use the tools and analytics to get to the documents and to understand the case quicker. That’s really important to us. OpenText Axcelerate changes the way that we investigate. It has become a much more intuitive and iterative process. We’re embedding that in the culture of our investigations now.

Richard Day, Head of eDiscovery, Serious Fraud Office


  • Complex fraud cases with millions of documents to review
  • Existing technology was aging and limited
  • Investigations are lengthy and challenging to prosecute



  • Simplified document review process saves time
  • Identified relevant documents, categorizing and analyzing data automatically
  • Increased efficiency of investigators and prosecutors to expedite cases

About Serious Fraud Office

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is a branch of the UK criminal justice system dedicated to investigating and prosecuting large-scale cases of fraud, bribery and corruption. Its jurisdiction includes England, Wales and Northern Ireland, but its investigations frequently require collaboration with law enforcement agencies around the world.