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IXTENT Slovakia s.r.o.

IXTENT, a specialized ECM/EIM provider with more than 10 years history, operates in Europe, and Middle East markets. HQ is located in CZ and local subsidiary in SK. Remaining counties are provided with services on remote - onsite project basis. IXTENT provides complex maintenance, implementation, post-implementation and application support. IXTENT provides with the complex core Open Text portfolio. Additionally, IXTENT as independent provider, can enhance OpenText about related or connected technology and solutions. Basically we focused on SAP DMS related solutions, SAP data archiving, general DMS scenarios, OCR/ICR, cross applications integration scenarios, BPM, WCM, Knowledge Management, Share Point and mail systems, legacy system decommissioning and others. IXTENT provide very wide scale of document and process oriented out of box applications quoted on different platform (OpenText SAP, SharePoint) for different type of Industries. We also provide project development tailored made to clients specifications (JAVA, .net, ABAP).


Region Central & Eastern Europe
Product focus BPM - Basic Workflow - Accounts Payable;CEM - Portal;ECM - Content Lifecycle Management;BPM - BPMSuite - MBPM;BPM - Dynamic Case Mgmt (Case360);CEM - Semantic Navigation;BPM - Accounts Payable;CEM - Customer Communications Management;BPM - BPMSuite - Process360;BPM - Ent Arch & Bus Process Analysis;BPM - High Volume Imagining and Workflow;BPM - Windows Imaging;CEM - Digital Asset Management;CEM - Mobility;CEM - Social Media;CEM - WCM - Web Experience Management;CEM - WCM - Web Site Management;ECM - eMail Solutions;ECM - Enterprise Archive;ECM - Learning Management;ECM - Mobile Solutions;ECM - Captiva;ECM - Capture & Recognition;ECM - InfoArchive;ECM - LEAP;ECM - Clinical Archiving;ECM - Documentum Platform;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Healthcare;ECM - Document Sciences;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Energy & Engineering;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Lifesciences;ECM - Kazeon;BPM - Smart Process Applications;CEM - Exstream;BPM - Cordys;CEM - TeleForm;CEM - LiquidOffice;CEM - MediaBin;CEM - Qfiniti;CEM - TeamSite;ECO - SAP - Archiving;ECO - SAP - Digital Asset Management;ECO - SAP - Document Access;ECO - SAP - Document Presentment;ECO - SAP - Employee File Management;ECO - SAP - Extended ECM;ECO - SAP - Invoice Capture Center;ECO - SAP - Invoice Management;ECO - SAP - Travel Receipts Management;ECM - PIXEL;ECO - MS - Email Archiving for MS Exchange;BPM - Basic Workflow - Int Doc Mgmt;BPM - Basic Workflow - Records & Docs;BPM - Basic Workflow - Trans Cont Mgmt;ECO - MS - Email Monitoring for MS Exchange;ECO - MS - Ent Library Web Parts MS SharePt;ECO - MS - AGA for MS SharePoint;ECO - MS - Capture for MS SharePoint;ECO - MS - Email Mgmt for MS Exchange;ECO - MS - Enterprise Connect;ECO - MS - File System Archiving;ECO - SAP - Portal Content/Site Managemt;ECM - OpenText Application Content Management
Type of partnership Reseller;Support
Industry focus Automotive;Financial Services;Insurance;Legal;Manufacturing;Retail;Telecommunications;Consumer Packaged Goods;Education;Aerospace & Defense;Computer Software;Utilities;Distribution & Transportation;Energy;Engineering & Construction;Healthcare;Media & Entertainment;Professional Services;Public Sector;Travel;Computer Hardware
Partner level Gold

Products and Services Overview

Complex Information Management involving documents as well as video, pictures (i.e. rich media) and its integration to the client s ICT architecture

Corporate Address

Sulekova 2
811 06

+421 2 54 77 54 54