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TRASUL - Correspondence Management System

By  Xerox Emirates LLC

TRASUL Correspondence Management System is used to create and track all the incoming, outgoing and internal Correspondence along with assigned actions of an organization and make them available to all application users according to their roles and access

Xerox has built the TRASUL Correspondence Management System based on Documentum xCP (xCelerated Composition Platform) which utilizes all the functionality and the features of the Documentum and xCP platform.   The TRASUL correspondence management system offers a configurable workflow which takes control of the enterprise correspondence processes including Incoming, Outgoing and Internal in a predefined path of the correspondence approval cycle, based on the Organization Structure.   All the Correspondence documents are stored in Documentum Repository which gives access to all the authorized users so all Documentum security models will be applied.        

Xerox Emirates LLC

Xerox Emirates LLC

Xerox Emirates LLC


Xerox correspondence management solution is designed and tailored for the business owners.  Key Functional Features:   •Manage Inbound, Outbound, Internal and related Actions. 

 •Link correspondences and obtain related history at glance. 

 •Build your own Organization Structure without any limit to number of levels or users. 

 •Ability to create unlimited copies of same correspondence with same letter, different recipients with one signature. 

 •Track all correspondence history and set Actions KPI’s 

 •Easy to use and comprehensive search tools in addition to Full text search. 

 •Configurable unlimited templates, per department, section or sector. In addition to that, ability to generate headed letters and non-headed signed letters. 

 •Configurable task delegation while being away from work. 

 •Email Notifications. 

 •Electronic Signatures. 

 •System customizable as per business owner’s needs.  

 •Dashboards & reporting across the organization. 

 •Ability to expand and include more business process  UI Features: 

 •HTML5 responsive design UI. 

 •Out of the box compatible with Apple & Android devices. 

 •Intuitive Easy to navigate UI with minimal steps. 

 •Manage Inbox, notifications and drafts. 

 •The numbering UI badges are used to display the correspondence components (attachments, actions, copies, tasks) to easily indicate the existing of these components. 

•Edit in your own MS Word editor, upload seamlessly. 

•Full log of tasks history. 

•Administration made easy, with complete admin module to cover uploading templates, managing user’s roles, mail rooms, external entities, delegation, etc.

Xerox Emirates LLC

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