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OpenText RFx Center for Content Suite Platform by Counterpoint

By  Counterpoint Consulting Inc

OpenText RFx Center for Content Suite Platform by Counterpoint is a comprehensive bid management solution. It enables enterprises to easily automate, manage, and monitor their RFI, RFQ, RFP, and other procurement processes.

RFx Center enables organizations to streamline their competitive procurement processes, monitor spend, manage vendors, and automate the flow and capture of procurement information at the enterprise level.
Automating the workflows used in competitive procurements, including RFPs, RFQs, RFIs, and Framework Agreements, RFx Center facilitates the efficient flow of work, while also enabling the capture of key performance indicators (KPIs) and process metrics. The powerful analytical capabilities within RFx Center provide decision makers and management with real-time visibility into procurement operations and enable sound strategic decisions.


This product is built on OpenText Process Suite and Content Server with integration points to OpenText Contact Center and SAP.

Counterpoint Consulting Inc

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